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November 11th 2022

Veterans Day

On Veterans Day, we honor the dedication and sacrifice of our veterans and their families. They have always answered the call when our country has needed them, and for that, we are forever grateful. But our commitment to those who have served requires more than kind words or gestures. Veterans and their families have real needs, and we have a moral, social, and financial obligation to be there for them. Whether it’s finally delivering health care and benefits to veterans exposed to toxic substances or correcting service records for any veterans who were unjustly forced out of the military, we must continue to make good on our promises to take care of those who have served our country – today and every day.

Freedom is a gift. Not only a gift from God but, also to the Men & Women who have sacrificed so much. Happy Veterans Day to our hero’s.

American Flags

From the U.S. Department of Defense Website...

Vice President Kamala Harris gives remarks at the National Veterans Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery.


Veteran Family
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