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#Metoo (You are not alone)

About 21.3% of women surveyed reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives, with 1.2% reporting completed or attempted rape in the 12 months preceding the survey. About 2.6% of men reported experiencing completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives.

8,866 sexual assaults

Troops reported 8,866 sexual assaults in fiscal 2021, up from 7,816 in fiscal 2020. Updated on Sep 1, 2022

Military Sexual Assaults Surged in 2021, Report Shows - Defense One


At some point changes are going to need to be made, but we have to all push for it, all organizations, there is a wide variety of options the U.S Military has not acted on to help Enlisted & The Veteran Affairs needs to establish a better mission to provide resources properly to all those in need of support, emotional, mental, physical protection from abusers, victim witness programs need to be established, raising awareness that 99.9% of assaults reported, Victims are failed by command for active duty & swept under the rug. There are so many civilian ran organizations that can ease the amount of case reports that need assistance for many reasons with and for victims & or their families who are struggling to get help & support by a trustful entity. Operation Shell Shock P.T.S.D. Awareness & Sexual Assault Prevention & Support Program have voiced these concerns for many years.

What ever your story is no matter how horrible things are, no matter how long you have had to wait, no matter how many people don't take you seriously, keep pushing, keep reporting, go up the chain of commands, keep making noise until YOU, have JUSTICE. At the end of the day, YOU are important, NOT your offender. If it gets very bad, make a report to your local law enforcement agency, if they don't take a report, call state police, if they don't listen call the FBI, your local news stations, newspaper journalists, go to your local emergency room to report the abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, in any form, in person, by internet, leaving things near or in front of your home, work, school, job. You have legal rights, it is illegal for law enforcement agencies to deny to protect & serve you.


Listed Trusted Resources...


The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program Office directs the Army’s efforts in the prevention of and response to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and associated retaliatory behaviors. It integrates Army SHARP policy and ensures effective communications with internal and external stakeholders.


DoD Safe Helpline

If you are a member of the DoD community affected by sexual assault, you can chat online with a trained staff member who can provide confidential crisis support. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.


Your privacy and safety are crucial. You may use Safe Helpline anonymously. However, if you are using a DoD computer or mobile device, your online activity may be monitored or recorded by DoD.


We will not ask for information that would identify you (such as your name or address) unless you ask to have a staff member follow up with you. We will not record or store the chat. However, if you disclose your name and location and are under age 18 or we fear that you are in danger of committing suicide or may be a danger to others (or otherwise as required by law), we may have to provide this information to the authorities. Please click below to chat with help immediately:



  • CALL: 877-995-5247

  • TEXT: 55-247 (INSIDE U.S.)

  • TEXT: 1-571-470-5546 (OUTSIDE U.S.)




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